The Truth About Long-Term Monogamy
Written by: Ralph B
Hey fellas, ready for some straight-up advice? If you're wondering, "How can I live my best, fun, and passionate life as a guy?"—here's the deal:

1. Keep in shape.
2. Make some decent cash.
3. Skip living with a partner.
4. Forget about tying the knot.
5. Hold off on the kiddos.

Yep, that's the no-BS plan right there. Now go out there and own it!

Wait, what's with the pause? Why the hesitation? Ah, I see. You're looking for a partner to share life's adventures with, right? Marriage and family sound like your jam? Well, buddy, that's where things get interesting.

So, you've probably made some big strides, seen improvements in your relationship, and hey, maybe even pumped up the romance a bit. But deep down, something's still missing, right? You're craving that fresh, electric energy you had back in the dating days—pre-marriage and kids.

Congrats, my friend, you're a typical guy. We're wired to want that spark and excitement in our lives. It's what keeps the human race going strong. But here's the kicker: While you can definitely revive some of that spark with your wife, it's not gonna be a constant flame. Think of it as little bursts of passion.

See, Mother Nature has her say in this too. Women in long-term, comfy relationships often dial down the bedroom action. For some, it's like the switch is off. It takes effort from both sides to crank up that dial to even a four. And those rare moments when it hits ten? Well, they're fleeting.

Gone are the days when a simple compliment could send her libido into overdrive for days. Welcome to the reality of long-term commitment.

It's a grind, my friend. It takes skill, patience, and some serious effort. Sure, you might've bought into the idea that marriage meant an endless supply of bedroom fun, but reality check: It's not all fireworks 24/7. The sad truth? Dead bedrooms are more common than you think.

Monogamy? It's a job in itself.

But hey, every relationship has its ups and downs, sacrifices and rewards. You gotta decide if it's worth the hustle. Marriage isn't for everyone, and that's okay. But if you're in it for the long haul, be prepared for the ride.

 Ralph B 

Ralph B. is the founder of "Help for Men" as well as "Dad Starting Over". He is also the author of four books:

Ralph has coached and counseled over 1,000 men from around the world. 


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